Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hunting Eggs

Saturday afternoon we went to my parents for lunch and for Bridget and her cousins to find some eggs. I think, well I know that Bridget was way more excited to just be with her cousins and run aimlessly around than to actually FIND eggs. However, she did get quite the count of eggs, for not caring about the game!

Sunday, The Easter Bunny brought Bridget a new pink and purple bike, yes it is a big Easter, but The Bunny thought it would be better to have in the spring and summer than just in the Summer (birthday).
She is doing pretty good at peddling, mainly when she has momentum. Although in this picture, she was happier to just stand NEXT to the bike and say "cheese!"

After church we headed over to Josh's parents for lots more food, the was MOST EXCELLENT and a hunt with cousins Austin and Lizzy.
Bridget got soo many eggs she kept re-finding the eggs that would fall out of her overflowing basket.

We had a lot of fun, and I probably gained about ten pounds just on all the yummy food and CANDY!

1 comment:

Bryant and Crystal said...

Love Love Love that last picture of Bridget running with her basket. She is so cute and growing so fast. Fun post!