Thursday, September 15, 2011


The girls in our sweet "vintage" trailer.
In the last few weeks I have been feeling like I have been "MOM the Meanie!"  I feel like all I have been doing is getting after Bridget for what she is NOT doing.  I need to remember that there is a lot that she IS doing, and I need to recognize these little things.
I have been feeling like I'm not the best mom lately and wonder what my neighbors think when I am chasing my kids down the street, or searching for them while I'm thinking they are MIA,when they are really in the neighbors house watching a movie!  I wonder what they think when I am taking the garbage out or little yard work with frazzled hair, or smudged make up, as THEY walk/drive past with their perfect hair/nail/clothes.  I wonder what they think when they hear me yell "stop talking" or "go to your room" in frustration of having this NOISE just following in my shadow ALL DaY Longgg!
It wares me down.

I have been observing other parents thinking that I am way too hard on the girls, and get frustrated with them way too easily.  I see the parent who see's  what their child is doing, but doesn't act in any form of discipline for the act of kicking my child in the face while trying to climb up public play equipment.  I see the parent who explodes when their child asks (nicely) for an overpriced toy.  I see the parent who disciplines their child with hot sauce (which I don't know if it should really be against the law, but never tried it on my own kids) for telling a LIE to his mom.  I see the parent that slaps their kid in the store for hiding in a clothes rack.

Being a parent it though.  MOST THE TIME. And there are days that you wish you could take a time out for yourself. But I see that as a child is growing, adults have HUGE impression on their children.

I ask myself; What impression am I making on MY children?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years Ago

Today I sit and reflect on the morning of September 11, 2001.  I had graduated high school that spring. I remember I had just gotten out of the shower when I hear my mom in the other room telling me to come see what's happening (on the tv).  We were both scared.  Scared for the victims. Scared for their families. Scared for the people watching and running.  Scared for our Country. Scared for our lives. Scared for the unknown.
As we sat flipping through the channels to catch any "better" coverage from any other station, I sat in disbelief that something so tragic and "movie like" would really happen to our perfect country and it's citizens.
I remember being in fear that whole week and praying that something so devastating would not happen near family or I. I feared leaving my house, in case I would never see my loved ones again.  I feared going to work at my little ice cream shoppe, because of the "strangers" I didn't know, and what potential some people have that can ruin America.  Yes I may be a little of a worrier, but I learned something from 9/11 about loving people.  I remember being in the Seattle area and there were a lot the Arabic population that felt like they were being discriminated against because of 9/11.
   Why do American's judge so much on appearances?  A true lesson I think we have and could learn from.  There are great people out there, who may not be the same religion as you, or different beliefs, but they believe what they believe is right.  Instead of "mocking" or "discriminating" LOVE for them. LOVE for YOU.

In remembering those who lost their lives, I will always remember that gut dropping sorrow I felt for you and your families. And For those that GAVE your life, because you LOVED our country and our people for who we are... THANK YOU.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy 8th Anniversary to us!

So for our anniversary we decided to re-tile our main bath.  ROMANTIC, I KNOW!
We were both excited about re-doing it though cause when we did it when we built the
  house, it was our first experience at tiling, and lets just say, we didn't know what we were doing and how
square are walls were NOT.
This was before, when we started ripping it all down.

After getting down to the cement board, we decided that it was worth just putting new board down instead of trying to scrap it all off.

Contemplating his next move.

Yes I thought this was dangerous with open insulation...

It still needs to be washed real good, but I think it looks...

Good job Babe!

Once Upon a 5K

Well, I am not a runner.  In fact it would probalby take me about 5 hours to run one mile.... But I thought it would be fun to participate in the Man Vs. Mud 5k Mud run this year.  It was the first year of doing this in the valley. I got my sister convinced that she needed to do it too and we drug our cousin and some of Mandi's friends to do it with us as well.

Here's all the excitement that the family could catch from the spectator stands.

Although I did not consider this a true 5K... It was well worth it!