Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jessica's Birthday

When Josh was approaching 30, he got all sorts of depressed and nervous cause he was going to be "so old".   I didn't think it would be such a big deal, but I think I'm starting to feel the anxiety that he may have been feeling.  Anyway, with that aside, I told Josh that I wanted him to make my cake this year.  The only other time in the last 8 years that he made me a birthday cake was when we were first married. I told him that I wanted chocolate cake, with multi-layers filled with chocolate mousse, and told him it needed to be topped with dipped strawberries!  (You may think this I was being difficult, but it was a box mix! He could do it!)
Josh had to sing by himself while me, Bridget, and Kaitlyn all stared at him!

Well done Babe!

He bought me my second jersey.  Gotta have a Steve Smith one!
( Yes, I was trying to be a tough football player, cause I feel like it's too big)

Also a much needed bag for my laptop... oh the laptop was my gift too that he gave to me a MONTH early! (he's not good with surprises! :)  I kinda like it that way.)

One year older... wahoo.

1 comment:

RSHORSES said...

Tell Josh not to feel to bad about getting depressed when he turned 30I balled my eyes out on my 30th birthday I hated it. Your cake looks so yummy.