Thursday, February 24, 2011

I want to ride a By-cicle... I want to ride a bike.

Josh found a bike for Bridget for a sweet deal, got her a helmet and new training wheels,

And showed her how to ride.

She is used to her tricycle that would let you peddle forward and backward...

So she is adjusting slowly to the back brake...

She gets a little frustrated,

But she is doing GREAT!!!

She was having so much fun that she didn't what to come inside even though her nose, cheeks,and fingers were frozen!


RSHORSES said...

How cute. She is such a cute girl she's growing up fast.

Coombs Family said...

I got Charly a bike for her 3 year birthday and she did the same thing with trying to peddle backwards. Then got really upset when it would stop her and she couldn't get going again. I guess they eventually learn. Your girls are adorable. And you don't even look like you've had another kid. Your so skinny!!!