Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Josh came home from work and climbed into bed like usual. I talked to him for a little bit, then I got up and let him sleep.
I went in to wake him up around 4 so that we could go get the car registered before they closed.
As I was trying to wake him up I noticed that he had some bright red lips smeared on his cheek, and I knew it wasn't mine! Being curious, i asked him who this new girlfriend was. He acted clueless. Starting to get more curious, I continued to ask him more questions...
He himself I think was getting a little worried. then I noticed...

He had written on his hand with red pen in two lines something to remind him to look up when he got home. And of course, pen ALWAYS transfers! :)

I just busted up laughing, as he asked if he really had red "lips" on his neck. I said, "YES. you do!"

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