Monday, March 4, 2013

Something New

I feel as if all that I have to "blog" about, I already say it on Facebook.  But for myself, here are things I would like to accomplish this spring...

De-junk the basement. (Mostly storage, that we don't need to be storing) 
Window casings- I've deligated my dad to help me with this
Planters for my deck veggies- tomatoes, herbs, ect.
Start up the greenhouse growing-
Work the raised gardens
Maybe chop a tree down, and up root it.  The roots are growing unwanted suckers quickly!
Fix my cracks that my mudder didn't tape!
Sheetrock the Etsy room
Make some Etsy things for myself... (I have them in mind, just need time to do them)
Enjoy the heck out of my deck this year! 

Thanks to Mandi and her family, I just remembered she gave me a big umbrella for Christmas that I am super excited to use!

And for a change of weather... Here are some things I'm looking forward too...



 Watching Josh chase wild animals... (this was a rabbit)

 Swimming, and enjoying our yard

Hoping my orange trees will come back to be as plentiful as these...

 Have this, instead of this....

And Star Searching

These are a few of the things I'm looking forward to this year....


Bryant and Crystal said...

ahhhhhh loved this happy post.

summerdreams said...

can't wait for spring,